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The organisation Chercheurs Étrangers à Nantes (Foreign Researchers in Nantes)

With the EURAXESS Services Centre label given by the European Commission, the organisation Chercheurs Étrangers à Nantes provides free and personalised assistance to international researchers (PhD students, postdocs, professors, researchers) and their families settling in Nantes – Saint-Nazaire area and whose host institution is a member of the organisation.

To benefit from our services, register with ALFRED !

ALFRED is the date base from the EURAXESS France network for foreign researchers in France. Please register so that we get your information and help you to our best. The data is confidential and only accessible by your relevant EURAXESS Services Centre.

Intercultural programme

The Agenda Interculturel is a programme of events prepared by our organisation : cultural outings and social opportunities. Come and meet other foreign researchers living in Nantes !

A day at Mont Saint Michel 

Saturday June 8, 2024  – from 8 am to 9pm

A day at the Mont Saint Michel, a must see!!!
Leaving Nantes by private bus in the morning, you’ll have some free time on Mont St Michel to wander, visit, and admire this historical world famous site. At 2pm, beginning of a two hour guided tour, walking barefoot on the humid sand, to discover the unique ecosystem of the bay (quick sands, tidal bores…). Return to Nantes scheduled at 9pm.

28€ per person (it includes the guided walk and bus transportation, does not include lunch or the abbey entrance ticket) 

Online registration starting Wednesday May 22nd at 6pm. Limited seating. Make sure to register to only one of the two groups (one for the English guided tour, one for the French guided tour). Registration details sent by email. Contact us if you didn’t receive it.


Daytrip “Nature and Culture” : Guérande, Le Croisic, marais salants

May 25th, 2024 from 9am to 8.30pm

Come spend a day enjoying land and ocean, histoy and nature, Bretagne and Pays de la Loire. The association organises a daytrip starting with an 1.5hr private bus drive to Guérande where you’ll enjoy a one hour guided tour (in French and in English) of the medieval city center, followed by some free time in the city to lunch or shop and explore. Then we’ll enjoy a discovery visit of the salt marshes with a professional guide explaining the eco-system and the hand harvested salt craft of this region. We’ll finish the afternoon in the little sea resort and harbor of Le Croisic where you’ll be able to stroll, shop, go to the beach or take a little hike by the coast line, according to your preferences. The bus will bring us back to Nantes around 8.30pm.

Registration (mandatory) opens on Tuesday April 30th at 6pm (details sent by email)

Fee is 23€ per person (it includes 2 guided visits and private bus transportation, does not include lunch) 

City wall of Guérande

Little streets of Guérande

Salt marshes

Salt marsh guided tour

Le Croisic harbor


Nantes’ guided tour : Traces of the slave trade past of the city

Saturday April 13th 2024, from 2 to 4 pm

Follow the steps of a professional guide from Tourist Office who will guide you in English through the familiar streets of the city center pointing and revealing the traces of Nantes 17th and 18th centuries slave trade past on Place du Bouffay, île Feydeau, quai de Turenne and the Memorial of Slavery Abolition.

A unique and necessary recognition of part of our city’s history.

Registration online mandatory. Instructions sent by email.

Fee : 8.50€ per person

musée de nantes

Members of the association